Prayer Line


Bible Study

Zoom Support


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Welcome and thank you for visiting Victory Christian Baptist Church. See below for our church activities. We would love for you to worship with us as we lift up the name of Jesus Christ.

Audio: If you dial in for the Prayer Line, Bible Study, or Sunday Worship service, and you hear an "all circuits are busy" error message, try one of the following alternative dial-in numbers:



Contact the VCBC HelpDesk
(202-573-7423) if you experience technical difficulties.

As a Bible-teaching church, we value the importance of 2 Timothy 2:15, study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Join us every Wednesday at 7:00PM to learn God's Word. To join:

1. Dial 301-715-8592
2. Enter 534 735 103#

We invite you to come study the Word of God and worship the Lord Jesus Christ with us!
Sunday School - 9:00AM
(2nd and 4th Sundays)

Worship Service - 10:00AM
(1st Sunday: Communion)

Services are held in the main sanctuary at:

3100 Adams Street, NE
Washington, DC 20018 

Prayer Request Form
Philippians 4:6 tells us to let our requests be known to God. If you have something you need from God, click here to submit a prayer request. Each Monday, the VIP ministry will lift up all requests. We believe in the power of prayer! 
Prayer of Salvation

It is our prayer that everyone receives salvation and accepts the Lord Jesus Christ in their heart. If you, or someone you know, needs salvation, please click here for the prayer of salvation! 

Join the Victory Intercessory Prayer (VIP) ministry every Monday at 7:00PM for collective prayer (2 Chronicles 7:14). To join: 
          1. Dial 716-427-1586
          2. Enter 223270#
Click the link below for the VIP Agenda which includes the monthly scripture and the Ephesians Prayer.